Adding to the Knowledge_Base,,,

  The following expose video, "What China is Doing to Kill Us All",,, 
Has been added to the site Knowledge_Base page.  Located (>>HERE<<)
  A random YouTuber suggested that a more appropriate title for the video would be "
China is Illegally Fishing the World's Seas Empty"
I agree,,,  

YouTube comments, on topic, from around the world;

Mar CariB Mar CariB,,,  (18 hours ago)

China’s craze for the swim bladder of the totoaba, a giant Mexican fish, has driven it close to extinction. Dubbed “aquatic cocaine”, trade in the delicacy is banned, but smuggling is still a major problem. It is not just the totoaba that has suffered. Overfishing in the Gulf of California has also spelt disaster for a small porpoise similar in size to the totoaba. The vaquita is often accidentally caught in the fine-meshed gillnets used to catch the fish. ????  

cdenver cdenver,,,  (8 hours ago)

There has been a Chinese fishing vessel of the west coast of Ireland for years fishing bluefin tuna, ILLEGALLY (you are not allowed to keep blue fin tuna in Irish waters). They are using "DISBANDED" vessels from the Netherlands. Ships that are down on paper as being "demolished"/"destroyed" in the 1980s yet we have our people sail out there on speed boats, fishing boats and take photos of these vessels and they are still active and not destroyed. They are not allowed to be in our waters. Multiple laws being broken. Irish government says NOTHING! They know the vessels are there but do not care, I think they are being paid to turn a blind eye.  

lomastrucho lomastrucho,,,  (9 hours ago)

The Argentine coast is being swept away by these Chinese fleets, and it is no coincidence that the submarine that patrolled the area ( ARA San Juan) has mysteriously "disappeared". weak and parasitic and desperate for money governments stand no chance against this. please keep the good work up!! people of the world must react!!

Arthur Kapp Arthur Kapp,,,  (12 hours ago)

They go far until Brazil, It was on our news when a group of Chinese Fishing vessels attacked Brazilian fishers after they saw the Chinese and confronted them, they had to call up the Navy and the Chinese just ran to the International Waters. The poor Brazilian fisherman lost their boats

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Gulf Pink Shrimp

Wild caught, organic, Head-On, Florida Gulf Pink Shrimp, 13-15 count.


Currently not available

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