So I asked A.I.

Q:  Does any branch of the american military utilize or test direct energy weapons systems?
A.I.:  Yes, the United States military has been researching and developing directed-energy weapons for several decades. One example is the Air Force Research Laboratory’s High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS), which is designed to create a high-powered laser beam capable of destroying airborne targets such as drones and missiles. Another example is the Navy’s LaWS system, which uses focused lasers to disable small boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. However, these weapons are still experimental and have not yet been widely deployed.

Q:  Would they possibly test these systems on maui?
A.I.:  It is unlikely that the US military would use a testing ground like Maui without proper authorization and notice. Any military activities conducted within civilian areas must follow strict protocols and safety regulations to ensure public safety.

The following excerpt is from Aug 17, 2023
( Link URL: )

Officials are shrugging their shoulders at the fires on Hawaii’s central island of Maui — implying it was an oopsie.

Two damning pieces of information tell otherwise.

1. Drivers trying to escape Lahaina during the fires were trapped on the coastal road. A resident walked to find the obstruction. There was none, except for a policeman halting traffic at Canoe restaurant, a longstanding Lahaini landmark, formerly called Chart House. It is at the north end of Front Street, No 1450, the junction with the Honoapiilani Highway.

The officer told him, “I am under orders to keep them here.” [1]

By about 4 p.m a video shows cars stuck bumper-to-bumper. Shortly after confronting the policeman, the resident said people began screaming as cars exploded.

2. Officials decided the winds were strong enough to order that children stay home from school... but they did not alert residents to the fires.

The sirens were functional. They are tested the first Monday of every month. They are for tsunami alerts but can be used for any emergency: they were used to announce a fake missile attack five years ago for reasons officials have never explained.

After the decision not to sound them, many survivors said they only became aware of the fire when they smelled smoke or saw flames approaching.

By sending children home from school, officials caused their death. Almost all the children from Lahainaluna housing district are dead, according to resident Tennile Bruggeman.

The State had at least 17 hours to evacuate the town and failed to do so. Police let tourists leave but not locals. Newly weds Jolie and Connor Campbell told Australian Broadcasting Corporation they left their belongings behind in their Lahaina hotel and raced to the airport.

Hawaii Governor Josh Green and Maui’s emergency operations chief Herman Andaya defended the decision not to sound sirens. They chose not to warn residents of Lahaina the night before.

However Maui emergency chief Andaya was not even on the island. He was at a conference on Waikiki and did not leave until Wednesday, Aug 9 — the day after Lahaina had been reduced to ash.

Andaya has no background in disaster management yet he beat 40 other contenders for the job when he was hired in 2017. [2]

The aftermath

Information swirls like the water that did not, upon the smouldering wreckage of Lahaina.

The scale of death is under reported. A resident who is an air steward quoted a morgue volunteer that near 500 bodies had been recovered (unconfirmed).

Only about 15 per cent of the town has been combed but already the remains of parents and children have been found, huddled together as in the volcanic destruction of Pompei — or more recently in the cellars of Dresden in Feb 1945.

The streets are littered with the melted wreckage of cars, some that burned with people in them, blocked in their attempt to flee. The charred corpses of dogs lie upturned in the agony of death.

Maui police chief John Pelletier was confronted about these issues and did not deny them. [3]

Pelletier came to Hawaii after 22 years in Las Vegas. He was incident commander for the 2017 mass shooting at the Route 91 country music concert.

And then there was this addition added from.
Link URL: )

A part of me has been wondering, how the fuck did all these people die in the Maui fires? A woman telling this firsthand account of the Maui fires claims after the main roads were rendered impassable by downed wires and telephone poles from a strange, sudden, dry hurricane, and as described below, Police blockaded other roads leading out on orders of command (ie the Las Vegas shooting incident commander ordered cops to block people in), GPS cut out, which prevented people from finding the little alternative evac routes they needed to get out. I thought that sounded strange, as GPS is a satellite based system, which was not dependent on anything on the island. If your car had GPS, there was no reason for it to go down. But this article seems to confirm the sudden high winds, and the loss of GPS, which you would think would always work, unless somebody was jamming the satellite signals with military grade jamming equipment, like you would see deployed in a warzone to prevent cruise missiles from using GPS to guide themselves to their targets. A boat which was forced to navigate out of the harbor without its GPS here (and boat GPS should work out in the ocean, but it was not there near Maui during the fires). Another person who noticed they didn’t have GPS here.  The most likely way that GPS would fail is if it was being jammed, and the only reason for it to be jammed at a time like that would be to prevent people from finding alternative evacuation routes once the power structure blocked all the main roads out. Notice the woman in the first article almost got trapped, but they were locals and knew of a small road that led to the other side of the island, which nobody else could find once GPS went down. It kind of makes it look like maybe they were trying to trap and kill everyone, either so they could buy up their land cheap once they were dead, or maybe even as some kind of sacrifice, if these are really some sort of occultists we are dealing with. We are entering the end stages here. We now have a CIA-like intel operation, running a Stasi-like civilian infiltration/surveillance operation, which appears to have rolled out military grade tech in a controlled operation to burn an entire town to death, because the little people there were in the way of the elites who want the island – and only destroying their homes would not be “convenient” enough. They needed those people to die too.

At 21:30 here, one resident says Police blockaded cars in at the road leading out, and prevented them from leaving because their command issued orders to not let the cars leave.

Maui wildfires death toll climbs to 480 locals claim, as Hawaii morgue workers run out of body bags and survivors are left to recover the charred remains of their loved ones. All of their land is probably now more likely to be up for sale. Add no GPS, to no sirens, to no water, to roads blocked, to firefighters deployed away at some distant agricultural area before the fire so they could not get to the inhabited port city, to the 911 system which was designed to never go down, going down, to Police blocking roads. 


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