Database driven Mp3 player installed,,,

So, I'll fill in the specs on this over the weekend.  Currently, there's one installed just under the Related Articles section on this page for review. 

  I utilized the JQuery JPlayer HTML5 Audio / Video Library and that's a completely free and open source (MIT) media library written in JavaScript.  So the Mp3 audio player you see there can be easily converted to an Mp4 video screen.  The Mp3 player that I originally installed on the main landing page only allowed for a single song to be loaded at a time with no options for building playlists.  Personally, I was surprised to see that there wasn't one already available in the C5 marketplace.  I looked, I thought about buying one instead of building one myself due to the complexity that's involved.  Seriously, that stuffs no joke;  And being completely honest, the main reason why I was able to put it together so fast was that I utilized the C5 block builder to create the boiler plate.  Then I determined what my database variables needed to be relative to the HTML template,,,  then I looked for the same variables in the API JavaScript and switched the JS functions to PHP/ MySQL database queries to create the lists.  The Mp3 playlist builder also has a C5 UI, (user interface), that connects to the server file repository to select image, audio and video files.  The default JavaScript library had the Mp3 files hard coded directly into the JavaScript and there's no UI.  So in short, the newly installed Mp3 player is a big improvement and a nice little add to the site that's not available in the C5 marketplace.  Just for fun I may build an Mp4 video player with playlists and sell both units in the C5 marketplace to help generate a little scratch to help pay some of the overhead related to keeping the site, (and me ;-), up and running,,,

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FGCU, (Florida Gulf Coast University), Documentary with allot of solid information, history and perspective of the South-West Florida Shrimping industry.
A more full featured slider that swipes on touch and includes navigation. Options to set timing and animations are also available. It's just mo betta.
Recent changes to the Featured Videos section. YouTube changed it's API features and commercials may be included depending on the publishers channel settings.