"New" slider's been installed

  Among some of the things I've been working on under the hood of buyshrimp.us, (that's the server side, c-panel file work), is to upgrade the slider at the top of the main page.  This has been on the ToDid list for a minute now.  The default slider, that ships with the latest distro of C5, is just about as basic as you can get when it comes to sliders.  Don't get me wrong, it works straight outta the box, but has very limited features;  Sooooo,,,  I looked around and tested a couple.  Finally I decided on the one that's currently installed.  This one's touch responsive/ swipe-able on smartphones etc.   And just to expand on why it was so important to replace it in the first place is because it's counter intuitive to what a progressive web app is to have a slider that's not inter-active on smart devices.  And yes, buyshrimp.us is a PWA, ( justa F.Y.I.,,, Progressive Web Apps are web applications that are regular web pages or websites, but can appear to the user like traditional applications or native mobile applications. The application type attempts to combine features offered by most modern browsers with the benefits of a mobile experience. This is done by using emerging web browser APIs and features along with traditional progressive enhancement strategy to bring a native app-like user experience to cross-platform web applications.),  it still needs allot of work on that side of things but replacing the default slider was a big improvement in that area. 
  Needless to say,  There's still plenty more ToDid and it doesn't get done by churning out blog articles smileys-3d.gif

Updated and added some info that connects Route 91 Harvest Music Festival.
That's where A.I. is actually useful,,,
I was the original author, so it's O.K.,,,"The Break Away Society", the video is by Uncle Cracker, "SMILE",,,