Seasonal low inventory levels,,,

  Most years, around the month of April, many of the shrimp boats go over to Texas for the opening of the shrimp harvesting season in that state.  It's year round here in Florida so many Texas boats come here when their season closes,  Then they all head back over when it re-opens. This helps with regeneration and sustainability.  What happens here in Fort Myers Beach while the main fleet is in Texas is that a small hand full of boats continue to harvest here and that's what takes care of the local wholesale market.  This ensures that the local and state retailers have access to product without interruption,,,  everyone else had already have their shrimp in the freezer.  
  So does that mean only Texas Brown Shrimp are available this time of year, via this web site;  Yes and No.  They can be purchased in the same bulk quantities as the Florida Gulf Pinks, (and are less expensive);  However, they are shipped F.O.B. Texas.  As for Florida Gulf Pinks,,,  you gotta contact me directly for those this time of year.  And justa F.Y.I.,  I'm setting the inventory level per item to 1-unit per size.  If I set it to zero, then an "Out of Inventory" flash message is displayed.  And technically, they're not out of shrimp.  They're taking pre-orders now with no guarantees,,,  except that if there's a boat scheduled to come in and they have the size shrimp requested and the quantity needed, AND the product meets quality control specs, (i.e.,,,  from a boat that doesn't add chemicals to their brine tank, this must be declared at unloading), then a request for the order will be filled.  This off course is the best way to procure shrimp, "boat to throat", as they like to say. 
  So please contact me directly for availability and to check for any price changes before attempting to place a large bulk order online.

  Be all that as it may,  I also picked up another laptop recently and I'll do another post on all of that at a later date.  I will say that I managed to partition the hard drive and switch my OS to Ubuntu 20.04 from Windows10 without deleting Win10.  This effectively ended the default/ forced use of Microsoft products.  While I was at it, I installed Brave for my web browser of choice and scored big on that one.  It really is a nice feeling to not be using any of Googles or Microsoft stuff.   Not that they don't field decent enough products, it's just that their over reach into the personal lives of their users was unacceptable to me and I wanted to very much utilize alternative software and not be pigeon holed by the fruit cakes on the left coast.   That also reminded me that I need to do a T.O.S. page as any web site that requires personal info or registration to be collected or exchanged must have a T.O.S. document for users to review. 
    So I'm wokrs on that,,,  smileys-3d.gif

Ya'll Have a Great Day...

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