Tooltips, comments and random articles,,,

  After adding pricing to the items in the store and making adjustments to the template, I decided that re-introducing the commenting feature to blog posts was the most proficient way to field and answer any possible questions.  As stated previously, I may add live chat in future as needed.  Subsequently, when I went through the different page layouts, (until the current iteration was achieved), I thought that a comments section wasn't necessary at the time;  The site was still under construction and very much less functional.  Fast forward to now and it's fully functional, thus, I bolted back on to the template the commenting/ C5 conversation block. 
  Be that as it may, It was also suggested shortly there after, by Renda over at #Shrimpher, that some sort of clarifier be added to the product title for each of the shrimp sizes.  The reason being simple enough in that most people are unaware of how shrimp are weighed and counted.  So I added tooltips to the product name for each item listed in the store.  This was done by way of making adjustments to the item template.  Getting it to work correctly was a little hectic and the first iteration was a singleton, (it only worked in one scenario/ item).  That of course, was less than optimal and it would limit the scope and parameters of the store in future.  Being able to list additional products and seafood selections was what was needed;  So I fixed that before moving forward.
  Lastly,,,  I changed the Related_Articles section on the blog pages that's posted to the right side bar on desktop and just under the "New" comments section on mobile.  It's now Random_Articles,,, they're still related, however, when they were set to the 3-most recent articles, it would create a loop that wouldn't post anything past those articles.  Setting it to random pulls from related articles and then renders on page load those 3.  This creates a little better selection in so far as that goes.

Hey,,,  got some other stuff ToDid and unload a boat in a coupla hours,,,

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The JAB's killing more people than the virus and that's demonstrable fact at this point. Undisputed fact in a coupla years.
This is the best piece of pie in the face video satire ever produced.  
Updating the YouTube video Playlist and image optimization,,