Why did Russia attack Ukraine.

  Communisium is bullshit, plain and simple.  However, I support the autonomy and independance of Russia and Ukraine without the expansion of NATO.  The war in Ukraine is a smoke screen for a larger more insidious objective.  >> Find out more here << 
{and HERE's Another Video, on topic that was produced by another person, who resides in another country and speaks a different language.  Both men came to the same conclussion as the other and they have, (to my knowledge), never met.  HMMnnnnn} 
  Till then,  NATO will do to Russia what the U.N. did to South Africa.  
"Why did Russia attack Ukraine and what are its geopolitical implications?"

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COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with patient consent.
Thus, the $10.38 billion for hurricane-related repairs represents an extraordinary expenditure far beyond normal operations.
Dr. David Martin Splain's the Planned Genocide.
FGCU, (Florida Gulf Coast University), Documentary with allot of solid information, history and perspective of the South-West Florida Shrimping industry.
Simply because people share similar thoughts and ideas, this does not make it a conspiracy. I believe Covid19, in its entirety, is a conspiracy. I'll include a coupla videos for consideration.
A video that covers the Communist Chinese commercial fishing industry,,, Including quotes from YouTube comments on topic from other parts of the world.
Not as crazy as it sounds,,, some hypothetical scenarios and serious consideration thereafter will leave a reasonable person to conclude that it's a legitimate question.